How to deal with migraine without medicine

 How to deal with migraine without medicine

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There are many different kinds of headaches. A migraine is a specific type of headache that feels different from other types, like stress or caffeine headaches. And while they’re not uncommon, migraines can be somewhat difficult to treat and manage. It’s not uncommon for people with frequent headaches to experience migraines as well. In fact, the American Migraine Society estimates that approximately 12% of the population deals with them on a regular basis. If you are one of these people, you may be wondering what causes migraines and how to deal with them without relying on over-the-counter painkillers or prescription medication. Let’s take a look at some helpful tips and tricks for dealing with this frustrating headache naturally and effectively.

What Are Migraines?

Migraines can be debilitating and they can occur at any time, even when you’re in a seemingly calm and peaceful state. It’s important to know what causes migraines so that you can prepare for them and make sure that you have the right tools and tactics in place to handle them when they come around. So, what causes migraines? Migraines are often caused by changes in your serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in the brain that is responsible for regulating your mood, appetite, and sleep cycles. When serotonin levels drop, it can cause many different symptoms, such as cravings for certain foods, abnormal sleeping patterns, feelings of depression or anxiety, and headaches.

How to deal with migraine without medicine

As we’ve discussed, migraines are caused by changes in serotonin levels in the brain. In order to treat them, you’ll need to try to avoid foods and situations that cause serotonin levels to drop. The following tips and tricks can help you better control your serotonin levels and prevent migraines from happening in the first place.

Stay hydrated

One of the best ways to deal with a migraine is to stay hydrated. When you’re dehydrated, your serotonin levels will drop. Therefore, drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help you to avoid migraines. However, you should be aware that caffeine is found in many different beverages, including water. If you’re experiencing a migraine, you should avoid caffeine completely.

Get some natural light (and maybe sunglasses)

serotonin levels are often higher during the morning hours. If you’re feeling a migraine coming on, you should try to spend some time outside in the sun. You can also try to wear a pair of sunglasses when you’re outside. This can help to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and can help to increase the serotonin in your brain.

Take an over-the-counter pain reliever

If you’re experiencing a migraine, you should try to avoid prescription medication as much as possible. While painkillers are great for short-term relief, they have long-term side effects that can actually make your migraines worse. OTC medications like Excedrin, Tylenol, or Advil are much safer and can be used as a long-term solution to your migraine pain.

Relax and breathe deeply

When you’re experiencing a migraine, the last thing you’ll feel like doing is relaxing. However, one of the best ways to avoid a migraine is to simply relax. Try to clear your mind and focus on your breathing. You can also try to find a quiet place to relax for about 20 minutes. This can help to calm your serotonin levels and can be an effective way to prevent migraines from happening.

Exercises for migraines

Exercising regularly can help to regulate serotonin levels and can be an effective way to prevent migraines from happening. It’s important to note that certain types of exercise may actually trigger migraines. If this is the case for you, you should avoid them completely. However, yoga, swimming, and walking are all safe exercises for people who suffer from migraines.


When you’re experiencing a migraine, it’s important to try to stay calm and avoid stress. Stress can increase your serotonin levels, which can trigger a migraine. Therefore, it’s important to practice relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga whenever you feel a migraine coming on. Many people also find that cutting out certain foods from their diet can help to prevent migraine triggers. For example, if you find that red wine triggers migraines, you may want to avoid it completely. Similarly, if you find that certain foods trigger your migraines, you should avoid them as well. It’s also important to note that some people find that certain medications can trigger their migraines. If this is the case for you, it’s important to talk to a doctor about your options and see what they recommend.


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